Tuesday the 29th of November from 6:30pm head to the Sheffield Hallam University campus Cantor Building (153 Arundel Street, Sheffield, S1 2NU).
Agile Special
After a bit of a break I’ve organised a proper meetup for November that focuses on everything Agile. We have three speakers (me included) and we’ll be starting the meetup with free food (likely pizza) and drinks.
Arrive early, the first talk begins at 7pm!
For more info check the WPSheffield site.
7:00pm: There’s no place like Agile
Katie Attwood, Freelance Business Analyst
Agile as a term can be understood or misunderstood.
Agile as a principle can be applied correctly or incorrectly.
Or everything in between.
Katie will talk through her continuing (or never ending…?) journey – starting from understanding what agile is and how it can be applied at work and home.
7:30pm: Learning Agile – a MoSCoW approach
Matthew Love, Sheffield Hallam University
Matthew is a tutor of “DevOps” and many things Data. Has worked at Sheffield Hallam University for many years.
This talk, by Matthew will explore the potential use of fixed requirements but MoSCoW (“Must, Should, Could, Won’t”) levels of acceptance criteria in the context of students learning both Agile and WordPress skills.
8:15pm: WordPress news roundup & WordCamp updates
Kimb Jones, WordPress Sheffield organizer and Managing Director of Make Do
An overview of what’s been happening since last months meetup along with a look forward at any significant WordPress releases and a general look at important news from the WordPress community.
We’ll also be checking out upcoming WordCamps including an overview of WCUS and looking at UK-based WordCamps to attend in 2017.