Next week I leave for Edinburgh for a week long WordPress Retreat which will culminate with the awesome WordCamp UK 2012.
The retreat
The WordCamp retreat has been organised by the guys at Humanmade (who built the wonderful WP Remote) and was suggested as a way to get a bunch of WP folk together working in the same environment for a week sharing ideas and building great things.
At the moment there are over 10 people attending the week-long adventure and we’ve shacked up in a really great looking apartment:
I’m going to be spending most of the week building an Intranet prototype for Barnsley Hospital while simultaneously crunching through my presentation slides for the WordCamp event that starts on Saturday 14th June at at the Surgeons’ Hall, Royal College of Surgeons, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh.
I was also involved in giving the retreat its online identity. This meant knocking up a quick logo (above) and a multi-author tumble-log site for the event:
The Tumbler-style site I made for WordCamp Retreat 2012
The WordCamp
The geek in me often describes the weekend of WordCamp UK as the best weekend of the year (sad but true). I’ve attended since 2009 and have spoken at every event and this year is no different.
This year I have 2 sessions, one which describes the work and pain that went into building my ailing WordPress theme marketplace and my regular WOW! Plugins.
Come see my sessions if you’re attending:
- How I made WonderThemes – Saturday 16:35pm – Room 3
- WOW! Plugins – Sunday 12:05pm – Room 1
And why not check out the full running order 🙂 and if you haven’t already buy some tickets!