I’m a serial phone dropper. I’ve had my HTC Desire for a few months now and dropped it at least 10 times. Once it even fell down a full flight of stairs.
Thankfully, its fine. Sure its scratched up to hell and the back flew off but once I’d put the pieces back together it all worked just the same.
This has been the same for every modern phone I’ve owned. None of them were ever seriously damaged by my clumsiness – they just got beat up.
In the future however, I may not be so lucky. Check out this video of someone dropping a brand new iPhone:
A design flaw? Sure, but because Apple provide the inception for other firms to follow suit we can expect Samsung, HTC, Motorola and Co to put their own swing on the new iPhone design which could result in a bevy of breakable phones in the near future.
I’ve never had to worry about the ‘dropability’ of a new phone but if the new iPhone is a glimpse of the future I’m seriously worried!